Homepage / / Объявлен индивидуальный чемпионат мира по составлению 2004-2006 (WCCI 2004-2006)

Объявлен индивидуальный чемпионат мира по составлению 2004-2006 (WCCI 2004-2006)

30 December 2006



The WCCI is organised with the authority of the FIDE PCCC, and is open to all composers from all member federations of the FIDE.

The WCCI comprises the following sections: a) Two-movers, b) Three-movers, c) More-movers, d) Endgame studies, e) Helpmates, f) Selfmates, g) Fairies, and h) Retro problems.

Composers are invited to submit their top-quality compositions for the WCCI.

In each section a composer may send a maximum of six problems, published during the years 2004-2006. Corrected problems or versions may participate if they were likewise published during these years. Problems from the 7th WCCT may compete since the results were published in 2004, but entries for the 8th WCCT may not compete. Joint problems are not allowed. It is not permitted to send problems for somebody else.

Entries should be in five copies, A5 size, printed or stamped on uniform diagrams, with the author's name, publication date, award if known, stipulation and full solution clearly written on the front of each diagram, and a brief comment if desired. The algebraic notation is to be used.

Problems should be sent by post (not by email) to the Tournament Director, postmarked not later than 31st July 2007.

In each section three judges grade the problems, giving points on a scale from 0 to 4, with half-points allowed. The sum of a composer's four highest-rated problems is calculated for his final result. The composer with the highest total for his four problems will be declared the champion for that section.

In addition, the PCCC makes the following recommendations:

  • Cyrillic names and addresses of composers should be written in Cyrillic capital letters, if possible also translated into Latin letters.
  • To help the Director, the source of the compositions should, if possible, include not only magazine and year of publication but also the month or magazine number and/or the number of the composition.
  • If a composition has been computer-tested, this should be indicated with the symbol "C+" or "Co".
  • Unusual fairy forms should be explained.


#2: F. Pachl (D), P. Einat (IL), J. V. Rossomaho (RUS)
#3: J. Vladimirov (RUS), M. Mladenovic (SRB), R. Burger (USA)
#n: M. Prcic (USA), H. le Grand (NED), Z. Gavrilovski (MAK)
Studies: J. Averbah (RUS), M. Hlinka (SK), V. Neidze (GEO)
h#n: F. Abdurahmanovic (BiH), J. Kapros (ARG), N. Stolev (MAK)
s#n: W. Tura (POL), V. Chepizhny (RUS), F. Richter (GER)
Fairy: J. Rice (GBR), K. Widlert (SVE), K. Gandev (BUG
Retro: C. Lytton (GBR), M.Caillaud (FRA), M. Klasinc (SLO)

Tournament Director:

Zvonimir Hernitz
R. Bicanica 32
HR-10000 Zagreb
E-mail: zvonimir.hernitz@zg.t-com.hr